3D printing of products
Our PLA bottles are made from the same material as high end 3D filament. By shredding our bottles into flaks 3D printed products can be made from the used bottles - using our special pellet 3D printers.
Mechanical recycling
Mechanical recycling is the processing of our PLA bottles in which the chemical bonds of the plastics are not broken down. The waste is ground mechanically and melted by an extruder
Chemical Recycle
The chemical structure of our plant-based bottles is changed and broken down into the original building blocks (polylactic acid) that make up the PLA. With this polylactic acid new PLA bottles can be made.
Industrial composting
Our plant-based bottles of water can be composted in industrial composter factories. Material that is certified according to European standards EN 13432 and EN 14995
The plant-based bottles can also be collected for sending them to the incinerator our PLA bottles will burn without toxic outcome. Pressed in blocks our bottles will give the same energy value as hard wood.
Plant briquets
Another interesting and valua adding end of life solution is the plant briquets. By shredding the bottles and combining them with the right mixer of wood chips, briquets can be made.
Anaerobic digestion
The process by which organic matter such as food waste is broken down to produce biogas and biofertilizer. This process happens in the absence of oxygen in a sealed, oxygen-free tank.